We are aware of delivery issues in our mowing and landscaping contract areas, and are working to improve this with additional resources as soon as possible.

Please note there may be some further delays due to expected wet weather.

City of Palmerston is seeking feedback from the community on proposed improvements to the Marlow Lagoon Dog Park.

In response to community feedback about the dog park, Council engaged specialists to design a concept plan in line with Council’s vision of ‘A Place for People’, while catering for the needs of people’s canine companions.

The Concept Plan, designed by open space and animal behaviour specialists LMH Consulting/Paws4Play, is now available for community feedback. The elements included in the concept plan are not fixed and will be refined based on the feedback provided.

The Concept Plan includes options for zones and sensory elements to help manage dog behaviours and ensure all users can enjoy the park. Proposed elements include:

  • a quiet and small dog area
  • an education/agility circuit
  • landscaping and sensory areas
  • an open run area
  • lake edge improvements
  • general enhancements.

Council would like to hear the community’s opinions on each of the elements of the Concept Plan, the importance and priority for each of the proposed improvements and any other feedback. The project can be developed in stages, with each stage able to be adjusted based on feedback and available funding.

Consultation on the Concept Plan is open for six weeks, until Monday 12 October 2020, with several ways to provide feedback, including an online survey and information sessions held at the dog park on Saturday 12 September and Sunday 20 September. 

Following the community consultation, a report on the outcomes will be prepared for Council’s consideration. The final Concept Plan will be subject to these outcomes.

For more information on the consultation and details on how to provide feedback, visit www.palmerston.nt.gov.au 

Quote from City of Palmerston Mayor, Athina Pascoe-Bell
“The Marlow Lagoon Dog Park is an important public asset for our community. Council would like feedback on the Concept Plan so that improvements to the dog park are consistent with the community’s needs.”

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