We are aware of delivery issues in our mowing and landscaping contract areas, and are working to improve this with additional resources as soon as possible.

Please note there may be some further delays due to expected wet weather.

Remembrance Day 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the Centenary of Armistice, commemorating the end of World War 1 and the service of armed forces everywhere.

To commemorate the Centenary, the City of Palmerston has placed a temporary ‘Memorial Poppy Wall’ in Memorial Park and invite the community to contribute to the display. 

“We appreciate the many contributions from our community so far, to create our growing display of poppies. A variety of beautiful poppies, crafted from fabric to ceramic, have begun to fill the wall. Contributors include school children, local artists and keen home-crafters. We thank them all!

I encourage community members and organisations to pay a special tribute by making and placing a poppy on the memorial wall,” said City of Palmerston Mayor, Athina Pascoe-Bell.

The Poppy Wall is in Memorial Park and will be a feature of Remembrance Day events on Sunday 11 November. 

"Palmerston has a close association with the Top End’s Defence Forces. Our City is home to a large contingent of Defence personnel and their families, who are an important part of our community. The memorial provides an opportunity to pay tribute to those who have served, those who continue to serve our country, and also their supportive families,” Mayor Pascoe-Bell added. 

City of Palmerston, in partnership with the Palmerston RSL and Northern Territory Government will host a Remembrance Day Service on Sunday 11 November from 10.30am at Memorial Park in Palmerston. 

The event includes a free BBQ and the début of a mural specifically designed to commemorate the Centenary of Armistice.

For something special, at 3.30pm, simultaneously with pipe bands from all around Australia, the NT Pipe Band will play ‘The Battle’s O’er’, a tune composed a century ago to honour those who served.

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