Council Meetings are heading to the suburbs next month, with the next ordinary meeting on Tuesday 6 November 2018 to held in Gray.  

City of Palmerston Mayor Athina Pascoe-Bell said holding meetings in the suburbs is an opportunity for both Council and the community.  

“Each month Council holds two Ordinary Meetings, at which discussions and decisions that impact the community are made. Residents are welcome to attend these meetings, and to provide greater opportunities to engage with the community, Council will hold its next meeting at the Gray Community Hall. 

I encourage residents to come along to any meeting, but in particular this meeting in Gray Community Hall, as they are a great opportunity to see what Council is doing and have a chat to Elected Members about your needs,” said Mayor Pascoe-Bell. 

Council members in attendance will include the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Elected Members, CEO and Council Directors. 

Before each meeting residents can meet their Elected Members and discuss issues in a public forum held from 5.00pm, before the formal meeting at 5.30pm. 

The next Council to the community meeting will be on Tuesday 5 March 2019 at the Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School in Zuccoli. 

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