This consultation has now been finalised and is currently under review. 

City of Palmerston wants to hear from you about the proposed design for the redevelopment of the Driver Community Centre.

The Driver Community Centre was originally built in the 1980's and used as a childcare facility for many years. The lease of the childcare facility has recently expired, presenting the opportunity to develop a renewed community asset that is fit for purpose.

For this community consultation, an initial review has been conducted, with feedback from previous consultations collated to develop the proposed designs (available below). Following this, Council aims to deliver a more comprehensive design that incorporates the feedback from this community engagement process.


Project Details

Council has allocated a budget of $250,000 for the Driver Community Centre's preliminary design, which includes post-consultation reviews. The budget for its construction is estimated to be $3 million. A project timeline will be developed once funding has been secured.

The proposed design has been created with a number of considerations in mind, including:

  • Viable construction space on the land
  • Sustainability targets
  • Inclusive, diverse, and cultural needs of the community
  • Location of the facility (next to a school and within a suburb)
  • Current user groups of the facility
  • Offering a hireable facility that differs from other council-owned facilities


Public Displays

Palmerston MarketsFriday 25 August5pm - 7pm
Brekkie in the ParkSunday 10 September8am - 10am


Provide Your Feedback

We would like to hear the community’s thoughts on the proposed design, especially our local community groups, businesses and key stakeholders. All feedback will help us build a facility that is fit for purpose, future focused and delivers what the community needs. 

Phone: 8935 9926
Community engagement will be open from Monday 14 August to Monday 8 October 2023.

Download the factsheet. 


Project Stages

  • Open This consultation is open for contributions.
  • Under Review
  • Closed This consultation is closed for contributions.