We are aware of delivery issues in our mowing and landscaping contract areas, and are working to improve this with additional resources as soon as possible.

Please note there may be some further delays due to expected wet weather.

City of Palmerston sought community feedback on its draft Council Policy, Preserving our Urban Forest.

City of Palmerston recognises that trees are a major asset and play an important role in making Palmerston a liveable, attractive, and healthy city. One of the most frequent contacts that residents have with Council is to request tree pruning and tree removal. 

A draft Policy has been developed to establish Council’s principles and approach to preserving its urban forest, and how Council will respond to requests. It also outlines how Council aims to preserve existing trees located within Council road reserves, parks and open spaces, and defines criteria around how and when trees may be considered for removal.

While trees are planted and maintained with the aim of providing shade, wildlife habitat and creating an attractive appearance for our urban environment, there can be situations where a tree is required to be removed due to safety, long-term impacts and unsuitable species selection. The draft Policy outlines the criteria to assess each tree for removal, or preservation.

This Policy works hand- in-hand with Council’s Community Plan and its commitment to providing an environmentally friendly, liveable city.


Feedback on the draft Preserving our Urban Forest Policy closed on Monday 27 July 2020, following a 21 day consultation period.

Council adopted it's policy, Preserving our Urban Forest. at its ordinary meeting on Tuesday 1 September 2020. 

Key documentation

Draft Policy Preserving our Urban Forest
Preserving our Urban Forest

Project Stages

  • Open This consultation is open for contributions.
  • Under Review Council is considering feedback.
  • Closed This consultation is closed for contributions.