We are aware of delivery issues in our mowing and landscaping contract areas, and are working to improve this with additional resources as soon as possible.

Please note there may be some further delays due to expected wet weather.

In July 2024 we invited community to input on the proposed review of Council's Laneway Management Policy. The new and updated policy can be found here

The purpose of reviewing policies is to ensure we continue to meet the needs and expectations of the community, as our city evolves and changes. As a part of this review, we are proposing the following key highlights which will help us and community members understand laneway categorisation and the actions required to process laneway change applications.

  • Laneways are labelled into an 'Active Transport category', which includes either 'non-essential, low-essential and essential'. The 'Active Transport Category' takes into consideration the connectivity each lane way provides to the community i.e. proximity to a bus stop, shopping centre, school etc. 
  • Laneways that have existing treatments will continue until the scheduled review period occurs (once every four years).
  • Amendments can be requested at any time through a Laneway application.

The review is based on learnings over the past two years (since the previous review). In an effort for continuous improvement, we endeavour to implement a policy and process that is reasonable and transparent and look to you, our community, to provide us with your thoughts to help us achieve this. We understand laneways are an important asset for connectivity, however also appreciate safety concerns of those residents next to or near them.  

We encourage you to join the conversation on the policy review by either emailing, calling or completing the below online form. 

Community Engagement 
The Laneway Management Policy review is up for discussion for 28 days from 3 July - 31 July 2024. 

Key documentation
Current Laneway policy
Draft Laneway policy
Laneway categories A- Z
Laneway process flowchart - Non-Essential
Laneway process flowchart - Less-Essential
Laneway process flowchart - Essential

Project Stages

  • Open This consultation is open for contributions.
  • Under Review Council is considering feedback.
  • Closed This consultation is closed for contributions.