City of Palmerston has released a draft Disability Inclusion & Access Plan (DIAP). The Palmerston Disability Inclusion and Access Plan is part of a suite of documents, including the Palmerston Community Plan and the Palmerston Inclusive, Diverse and Accessible Policy Framework, that direct and drive the work of the City of Palmerston

This document, the DIAP, meets the commitment in the IDA Framework to develop strategies and actions to achieve equity of access and inclusion in all areas of Council’s responsibility for people living with a disability. As well as ensuring that Council meets both its obligations under anti-discrimination legislation and the expectations of the residents of Palmerston.

At a minimum, the DIAP will be reviewed and updated after three years.

Feedback from individuals or community groups on the plan is encouraged through the following avenues:

  • Face-to-face feedback sessions: Date TBA.
  • Click here to complete the online survey.
  • Fill out the below freeform.
  • To register your interest in participating in a face-to face feedback session or to request a phone interview email:

Community consultation closed on Wednesday 15 June 2022.

Download Key Documentation

Project Stages

  • Open This consultation is open for contributions.
  • Under Review
  • Closed This consultation is closed for contributions.