Council would like to advise that it has entered the remedial stage of the cyclone clean up, this includes detailed inspections of trees in the municipality. 

Qualified arborists are inspecting tree stability, and the extent of damage in tree canopies. In some cases where pruning will not be successful, trees may need to be removed to ensure the ongoing safety of our community. 

In situations where the root plate of the tree has been disturbed, removal is the only safe option unfortunately. There are still stumps that require removal or grounding and these works are continuing. Removed trees will be replanted with a suitable replacement.

All parks are now open. However, we ask the public to please be mindful that contractors are still carrying out works in some parks.  

Recovery efforts will continue for some time and please be assured we are trying as hard as we can to return our community back to normal.

Council appreciates the patience and understanding shown by the community since the impact of Tropical Cyclone Marcus.

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