Project status:

Project: Upgrade of the Archer Waste Management Facility (AWMF) includes design and construction of a new recycling area, including a cardboard compactor and general waste push-pit area (with roof).

Cost and funding: $1,600,000 - (City of Palmerston - $1,200,000 & Northern Territory Government $400,000). 

Status: Stage one works began on 10 April 2024, which include a gatehouse redevelopment and civil works, expected to be completed by end of May 2024. Design works are continuing for the recycling area and transfer station. 


The Archer Waste Management Facility (AWMF) is being upgraded. With these upgrades you can expect to recycle more, be safer, and help Council to separate and recover more recyclable materials.

Recycling area: 
The new recycling area will be the first point of call located just near the site’s entry, featuring a cardboard compactor. This will feature a more appealing entry design to encourage more recycling participation in accordance City of Palmerston’s Sustainability Strategy.

General waste Area: 
The general waste area will be redeveloped to improve safety of the community. It will feature a push pit (with roof), which will enable the separation and recovery of recyclable materials including but not limited to scrap metal and timber. This feature is also an important element of the sustainability strategy, aiming to achieve an improved waste diversion outcome. 

Important information: 
During the upgrade phase, there will be disruption to the regular disposal areas. Council will work towards reducing the impact this has on  visitors to the site throughout this period. Once the proposed design has been finalised, further information will be available.