The Palmerston Kids Network is a committed network of workers representing organisations who provide services and programs to children (0-12yrs) and their families, living in Palmerston.

The Network members commit to:

  • Share information about programs and initiatives
  • Share success stories and showcase best practice
  • Discuss identified gaps and need
  • Build relationships and make connections
  • Participate in community engagement and capacity building opportunities
  • Meet regularly
  • Access sector/professional development (annual conference/training)
  • Maintain awareness of funding opportunities
  • Take opportunities to lobby, advocate and influence policy

The network is open to organisations that provide services and programs to children 0-12yrs and their families, living in Palmerston.

Membership will require regular attendance at meetings, active interest in the promotion of the health and well-being of children. Service providers who have an interest in addressing childhood health and well-being including injury, accidents and safety issues are welcome to participate.

If you would like to participate on this network contact the Lifestyle and Community department.
p: (08) 8935 9922

For further information or to view our Trello board HERE


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