The Palmerston Escarpment is a steep faced ridge that winds its way through the suburbs of Gunn, Bakewell and Rosebery (refer to map).

It is recognised by the steepness of the ridge, tall dominant eucalypt trees, rocky outcrops and grasslands.

The main section of the walk winds its way from Cunningham Crescent down to Buscall Avenue. The final short, flat stage runs from Buscall Avenue through to Lambrick Avenue.

The total length of the Escarpment Walk is approximately 2.7km. For walkers, convenient alternative routes have been nominated for persons unable to access steeper sections of the walk.

The Escarpment was made a reserve by the City of Palmerston to protect the bushland values of the Escarpment and to provide a natural recreational facility for Palmerston residents.

Enjoy the walk and if you would like to participate in the conservation and preservation of the Palmerston bushland, please contact the City of Palmerston.