The library has a wide range of items for loan including books, eBooks, eAudio books, magazines, music CDs, DVDs, large print, spoken word and LOTE (languages other than English). The library offers an unlimited number of loans to members on all physical items. 

Lending periods apply as follows:

Four weeks: Books, magazines, spoken word, DVDs, CDs, Wheelers eBooks
Two weeks: Bolinda eBooks and eAudio books
Unlimited: eMagazines

If our library does not hold a particular item that you require please see one of our staff members at the circulation desk. You can request the item through our Reader Request Program and we may either purchase it or request it from another NT Library, at our discretion.

Click and Collect
You can reserve items which are on loan or on the shelf by logging into the Library Catalogue. We will contact you when the items are ready for collection. There is no charge for the Click and Collect service.

How to use Click and Collect?
•    Login to your online account. If you do not know your password please contact the library.
•    Find the item you want to reserve and click on its title.
•    Click the Click and Collect button.
•    Submit your request.

Anytime Libraries

The Anytime Library book vending machine is conveniently located at the Zuccoli Plaza IGA. The machine dispenses over 300 books for borrowing, free of charge and is a contactless and convenient book borrowing experience for the Palmerston community. 

Anytime Library services are currently unavailable at both locations.


The library welcomes donations and contributions. Donations will be added to the collection, provided they meet the required selection criteria.

Donations that are not required for the collection are disposed of through book sales or offered to other libraries. Donations or contributions made with conditions attached to them will be accepted at the discretion of the Manager Library Services.

The library also uses a combination of one or more of the following criteria in evaluating material for inclusion in the collection.

  • Importance of the item to the balance of the collection
  • Actual or potential demand for the item
  • Timeliness or permanence of the work
  • Quality of the writing
  • Reputation and significance of the author and/or publisher
  • Appropriateness for the library
  • Appropriateness of age level and content
  • Cost and format
  • Currency and accuracy of the item
  • Degree of bias, if any
  • For non-fiction: the number of books on the same subject already held by the library
  • For fiction: the number of copies held and whether it is part of a series
  • Physical condition of the item i.e. damaged, age spots, dirty, clean